Sunday, January 4, 2009

Breaking the Silence

Writing about the experience of vipassana is difficult. I think that is because it is an intense introspective experience, highly individualized and obviously personal. For me, it was one of the best choices I have made in my adult life. The environment was both beautiful and challenging. The morning gong was rung at 4 am and we started each morning with 2 hours of meditation before breakfast. Basically time to eat and pray with an occasional bathroom break. We washed our clothes and hung them out to dry, which to me felt extremely feminine and purposeful. We were in complete silence for 10 days and meditating for 10 and a half hours each day. We now have no issue sitting still with our legs crossed which has been quite nice since our arrival here in Tiruvannamalai and the ashram of one of Alyssa's teachers, Ramana Maharishi. We left the silent retreat and headed to Varkala, a wonderful beach town close by. We played in the ocean, met wonderful people, and finally after ten days chose what we wanted to eat from a menu. We flew across India from west to east and took a four hour bus today to be with this wonderful mountain named Arunachala. Peaceful, expansive, connected.
We haven't taken any pictures for awhile because the batteries here in India are only good for about 4 pics. We will send some along as soon as the friends we have made along the way send them to us. We are both filled with so much gratitude for this experience and we both feel the love and support of all of you! We really do.
Thank you is not enough of an expression for the appreciation we have for those of you sending us love and notes and thoughts.
We went into the silence and explored ourselves and found you. Much love to you all.
Alyssa and Laurel


Unknown said...

To a new year, beginnings and endings...
Thinking of you and awed by your experience.

Shelly and Brian said...

Wow Laurel you are in the middle of a once in a lifetime experience, we are very awed by you and your travels. Thinking of you often...happy 2009 to you and all your hosts...

sfl said...

Happy New Year!

Good to hear from you.

What an experience you are having.

Love you!

Sonny said...

I can feel the peace in your Spirit - thank you for following your inner guidance and being so courageous! Your journey is supporting and uplifting us all! I have dreamt about both of you for the last 2 nights - can't wait to catch up with you in Bali!
Love, love, love,